Friday, March 16, 2007

Fish Review

I am little wary when it comes to read a book which talks about personal accountability, how to imbibe self confidence or the habits of other highly effective people. I used to avoid them because i knew i would have to wade through a lot of scrap to find the occasional gem.That's for the same reason "FISH" attracts me as it covers these topics in a very precise and simple manner. When i started reading this book , i thought this is also another "pull-yourselves-up-by-your-bootstraps-story!". It starts off with a sad story but later on it redeems itself by sticking to the point and pointing out some simple pieces of advice put into perspective through two different lenses.First , the authors' 4-step "system" is put into play through a fish market in Seattle. Then the same system is applied to a financial department with a bad attitude.I was intrigued with the diversity and creativity in the ideas shared while maintaining consistency with the message as a whole.The great part about Fish! is that you don't have to wade through the fodder. The gems are neatly placed and easy to find. You can take what you want from the recommendations and come back another time for more. It's a good reference tool with some practical advice. The main crux that is dispensed with regularity throughout is "Choose Your Attitude: There is always a choice about the way you do your work, even if there is not a choice about the work itself.Easier said than done.The writers are well aware that each individual must internalize this book's advice on his/her own terms.The rest 3 advices are also stemming out from this biggie one. This 4-step piece of cool advices can be applied in any organization.This is shown in the book in a very amazing way by applying this system to two altogether different organization i.e one is a big finanacial company and the other is a pike place fish market . It intensifies the point of author that by merely following it ,any " toxic energy dump" office can be truly transformed into a "highly energetic & oraganized" one. I enjoyed the book. It was a quick read with usable, if simplified, advice. If you enjoy the occasional inspirational poem or quick quote, you're sure to enjoy this book. The authors' try to yank on your heartstrings a little. They know that if they can strike you on an emotional level the advice will have more meaning. They're right!

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